e) Health-related foods and foods for special dietary utilizes that have not been permitted by qualified authorities or approved authorities or law of the region of origin, or the consequences, suited buyers and utilization instructions on the label have not been verified through the exporting region.Ng??i ph? trách chuyên môn c?a c? s? s?n xu?t… Read More

Diclofenac as one substance or coupled with Methyl salicylat, substances of crucial oil group, and many others.Nh?ng ng??i ???c kê ??n thu?c là: Th?y thu?c ?ang hành ngh? t?i c? s? khám b?nh, ch?a b?nh h?p pháp, bao g?m:Th?c ph?m ch?c n?ng là th?c ph?m dùng ?? h? tr? ch?c n?ng c?a c? th? con ng??i, t?o cho c? th? tình tr?ng tho?i mái, t?ng… Read More